
  • Meet Slight Return®

    Meet Slight Return®

  • Slight Return’s “Weekend Homewreck” feat. Christian Vegh in the Top 10 of the DRT Global Rock Charts for over a month!

    Slight Return’s “Weekend Homewreck” feat. Christian Vegh in the Top 10 of the DRT Global Rock Charts for over a month!

  • Slight Return’s “Vicious Tides” feat. Andy Vargas at #13 on the Global Rock Charts! IN THE CHARTS FOR  OVER 5 CONSECUTIVE MONTHS!!!

    Slight Return’s “Vicious Tides” feat. Andy Vargas at #13 on the Global Rock Charts! IN THE CHARTS FOR OVER 5 CONSECUTIVE MONTHS!!!

  • Grammy Awards Red Carpet in Los Angeles, CA

    Grammy Awards Red Carpet in Los Angeles, CA


salute our warriors july 13th 2023

Slight Return® Live at the 2023 Salute Our Warriors Benefit for the Fallen & Wounded Soldiers Fund at the Danny Kassab Estate in Rochester Hills, MI

No Comments Christian Vegh Danny Kassab Estate Fallen and Wounded Soldiers Fund FWFS.org Mark Kassa Matt Dunaskiss military Rochester Hills ronnie karmo Sam Kassab Slight Return Live tony mitchell William Pope Ziad Kassab

Slight Return® Live at the 2023 Salute Our Warriors Benefit for the Fallen & Wounded Soldiers Fund at the Danny Kassab Estate in Rochester Hills, MI

2023 Grammy Awards

No Comments 2023 Grammy Awards bonnie raitt Creek Music Group Detroit edgar winter Los Angeles Marilyn Kassa Mark Kassa Microsoft Theater Red Carpet slightreturnusa Tom McDonough

Some photos from the 2023 Grammy Awards Premiere Ceremony (Microsoft Theater),  TV Ceremony (Crypto.com Center) and After Party at the Los Angeles Convention Center.  More photos on the Gallery Page #2023grammyawards #redcarpet #creekmusicgroup #markkassa #tommcdonough #bonnnieraitt #edgarwinter #losangeles

Las Vegas Raiders Stadium Tour- Allegiant Stadium

No Comments Al Davis Detroit just win baby Las Vegas Las Vegas Raiders Marc Davis Mark Kassa Oakland Raiders raiders Slight Return super bowl

Was great getting a tour of the Las Vegas Raiders Football Stadium – Allegiant Stadium!  Great place We wrote a song for the Raiders – “Just Win Baby”- Al Davis’s famous saying https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klvZ7kLiO0w #raiders #slightreturnusa #markkassa #lasvegas #nfl more photos on the photo gallery page     #raiders #justwinbaby #oaklandraiders[…]

Shake, Move, Groove- Slight Return® feat. William Pope on Vocals!

No Comments 54 Sound Christian Vegh Creek Music Group Detroit galaxie video productions Harpos Lenny Kravity Mark Kassa ronnie karmo roy oberg Shake Move Groove Slight Return Sly and the Family Stone steve capp Tom McDonough tony mitchell Welcome to the D® William Pope

“Shake, Move, Groove”- new music from Slight Return® feat. William B. Pope II on vocals! One of the greatest bass players…but did you know that he can sing! Recorded with Steve Capp Release by @creekmusicgroup record label and Tom McDonough Video by Roy Oberg at Galaxie Video Productions #slightreturnusa #lennykravitz[…]

Middle Eastern America Television- MEA TV Names Slight Return’s Mark Kassa as the Chairman of the Advisory Board

No Comments Advisory Board Chairman Chaldean Detroit Lions DMAN Fox 2 News lomas brown Mark Kassa MEA TV Middle Eastern Ray Jadan The D Wally Jadan Welcome to the D® WJR News WJR Radio Ziad Kassab

MEA TV- Radio has named Mark Kassa as the Chairman of the Advisory Board.  The board is comprised of great individuals including retired NFL Star Lomas Brown, Attorney Nabil Ayad, Doctor Basel Al-Jabari, Charlie Langton from Fox News, Donnell White from Huntington Bank, Fay Beydoun- Executive Director of the Arab[…]

Come and Get Your Love- Slight Return® tribute to the band Redbone

No Comments 54 Sound 70s Christian Vegh Classic Rock Come and Get Your Love Detroit Galaxie Videos guardians of the galaxy Jack Endino lolly vegas Mark Kassa pat vegas Redbone ronnie karmo roy oberg Slight Return USA steve capp tony mitchell William Pope

Come and Get Your Love- Slight Return® tribute to the band Redbone (with a twist)! #redbone #comeandgetyourlove #guardiansofthegalaxy #slightreturnusa #slightreturn #detroit #markkassa #tonymitchell #williampope #ronniekarmo #christianvegh #galaxievideos #royoberg #54sound #stevecapp #jackendino #lollyvegas #patvegas