“Weekend Homewreck”- Slight Return feat. Christian Vegh debuts at #11 on the DRT Global Rock Charts! Special thanks to Tom McDonough #DRT #slightreturn #slightreturnusa #christianvegh #weekendhomewreck #sherilynnvegh #tommcdonough #markkassa
“What’s Going On/Angel (Original Mix)- Slight Return feat. Andy Vargas and Dennis Chambers- from the “Vicious Tides” album A modern take on a Marvin Gaye classic with a touch of Hendrix #slightreturnusa #dennischambers
If you haven’t yet, please like the Slight Return USA page! https://www.facebook.com/slightreturnUSA/ #Mi5 #MarkKassa #TomMcDonough #SlightReturnUSA #SlightReturnUK #WelcometotheD #MusicNoises #Music301 #MusicPlayerMagazine #TheDCap
Mark Kassa from Slight Return/Mi5/Music Noises at the 2020 Grammy Awards in LA. Mark is a Voting Member of the Grammy Awards (Recording Academy- Chicago Chapter). Check out the Gallery for more photos #GrammyAwards #Grammys #RecordingAcademy #LA #SlightReturnUSA #Mi5 #UniversalMusicGroup #MusicNoises #DRTcharts #ViciousTides #WarriorsSoul #WelcometotheD #MusicPlayerMagazine #TomMcDonough #TedMason#RedCarpet #PremiereCeremony[…]
Slight Return’s “Vicious Tides” featured on the Bongo Boy Records 62nd FYC Album for Worldwide Distribution From Bongo Boy Records “Music Excitement at Bongo Boy Records as we are getting closer to the BIG DAY in LA (Grammy Awards® show) one of their accepted artists on the 1st voting ballot (FYC for[…]
Slight Return’s Warrior’s Soul right behind Ozzy Osbourne on the charts this week! Vicious Tides and Warrior’s Soul feat. Andy Vargas and Dennis Chambers have combined for over 9 consecutive months in the DRT Global Rock Charts! #Mi5 #UniversalMusicGroup #TomMcDonough #TedMason #MusicNoises #MusicPlayerMagazine #WelcometotheD #TheD #Detroit #rock #slightreturnusa #slightreturnuk #recordingacademy[…]