Want more information about the career of Slight Return? Check out our new Press Kit- Full Length Version
Slight Return USA – Press Kit- Full Version – Mi5 Recordings/Universal Music Group- Slight Return’s Vicious Tides and Warrior’s Soul reach #13 on the DRT Global Rock Charts and combine for 7 consecutive months on the charts feat. George Clinton, Andy Vargas, Billy Cox, Dennis Chambers, Davey Pattison, Tony Green, Dennis Coffey, Pete Thompson, Glenn Letsch, Jack Endino. Pat Lewis, Jim Diamond, Gerardo Velez. Slight Return has played shows with Grand Funk Railroad, The Gin Blossoms, Huey Lewis and the News, Tesla, George Clinton, Eddie Money, Los Lonely Boys, Robin Trower, Queensryche, Bumblefoot, The Rockets, John Waite, Rare Earth at venues including The DTE Energy Center, Freedom Hill Amphitheater, MGM Casino, Huntington Arena, Jimmy John’s Field, Newport Music Hall, Royal Oak Music Theater, Kalamazoo State Theater, DePaul University, Sound Board Theater, Motor City Casino, Henry Ford Museum, Orbit Room, Crofoot Ballroom, St Andrews Hall, Laz-Y-Boy Theater, Emerald Theater, Lexington Village Theater and many festivals. Mark Kassa has performed the Star Spangled Banner- Hendrix Style at Huntington Arena, DePaul University, Jimmy John’s Stadium, Henry Ford Museum. Slight Return is Mark Kassa– Guitar/Vocals/Writer/Executive Producer. William Pope-Bass, Tony Mitchell-Percussion, Ronnie Karmo– Drums. Slight Return owns the Federal Trademarks for “Welcome to the D®” “The D®” “It’s a Detroit Thing®” “It’s a D Thing®” “So Detroit®” “Hail the Heroes®” “Shake Your Detroit Right®” “It’s a Detroit Thang®” “It’s a D Thang®”. Ask about our special Woodstock Tribute set featuring the music of Jimi Hendrix and Santana. Contact Mark@slightreturn.com website slightreturn.com
#Mi5 #UniversalMusicGroup #TomMcDonough #TedMason #SlightReturnUSA #SlightReturnUK #ViciousTides #WarriorsSoul #DRT #RockCharts #Global #GeorgeClinton #Parliament #Funkadelic #AndyVargas #Santana #DennisChambers #DaveyPattison #TonyGreen #DennisCoffey #PeteThompson #GlennLetsch #JackEndino #PatLewis #JimDiamond #GerardoVelez #GrandFunkRailroad #GinBlossoms #HueyLewis #Tesla #EddieMoney #LosLonelyBoys #RobinTrower #Queensryche #Bumblefoot #TheRockets #JohnWaite #RareEarth #DTEEnergyCenter #FreedomHillAmphitheater #MGMCasino #HenryFordMuseum #OrbitRoom #Crofoot #StAndrewsHall #LazyboyTheater #EmeralTheater #LexingtonVillageTheater #JimiHendrix #BillyCox #DennisCoffey #MotownFunkBros #StarSpangledBanner #HuntingtonArena #JimmyJohnsField #MarkKassa #WilliamPope #TonyMitchell #RonnieKarmo #DetroitTigers #DetroitRedWings #DetroitPistons #DetroitLions #WelcometotheD #TheD #SoDetroit #ItsaDetroitThing #ItsaDetroitThang #ItsaDThing #ItsaDThang #HailtheHeroes #ShakeYourDetroitRight #Woodstock #DePaul #MotorCity #Soundboard #MotorCityCasino #BruceJackson #BlastFM #TeamJohnHill #MusiciansInstitute #ChicagoChapter #DMAN #VisitDetroit #DetroitVisitorsBureau #JimmyKimmel #MusicNoises #MusicPlayerMagazine #TheDCap #WelcometotheDTVshow
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